Thank you for your interest in the Chavarie Lab at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). I host undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and guest investigators in the lab. NMBU has a number of programs that may be relevant, so look around and see what might fit your interests and current situation. Please contact me directly if you would like to pursue any of these opportunities with a description of your research interests along with a CV.
I encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender, functional ability, cultural background or whether you have been outside the labour market for a period.
I am currently seeking motivated and independent post-doctoral candidates who are interested in drafting a NRC fellowship proposal to work on northern fish related questions.
Graduate Students:
Funding is always limited, so I would urge you to investigate additional sources of funding well in advance of applying to the program.
* I am currently recruiting graduate students (PhD and MSc) for CRÉA_CC (see projects). For more information, contact me or click here
Undergraduate Students:
Undergraduate students interested in conducting summer research projects should contact me.
I encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender, functional ability, cultural background or whether you have been outside the labour market for a period.
I am currently seeking motivated and independent post-doctoral candidates who are interested in drafting a NRC fellowship proposal to work on northern fish related questions.
Graduate Students:
Funding is always limited, so I would urge you to investigate additional sources of funding well in advance of applying to the program.
* I am currently recruiting graduate students (PhD and MSc) for CRÉA_CC (see projects). For more information, contact me or click here
Undergraduate Students:
Undergraduate students interested in conducting summer research projects should contact me.